Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hybrid buildings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hybrid buildings - Essay Example Ancient hybridity began by home owners using animal skin amongst other animal and nature products to beautify their homes. Hybridity also began with experiments on human beings by cross-culturing different genes. It was later that this concept was brought to the design of homes such that homes in urban areas could have the richness and wholeness of nature (Joseph, 35). Homes in urban areas also laced space to extend their gardens and some architecture went as far as placing magnificent gardens on rooftops. The cost of land has continued to soar to sky high prices hence people have less land to beatify their compounds (Joseph 20). Programs have been developed to help make office space have auditoriums to enhance the greenery of the environment. Building serve more than one purpose such as office buildings having car parks too and even malls being developed to house various activities such as housing exhibition halls, hotels, clubs, swimming pool, libraries, among others. Making buildings multi-functional has helped ease congestion on land and reduce the cost of acquiring separate space for other activities (Joseph, 30). Many hybrid types have been and are still being developed. It is this ingenuity of architects that will help transform this century into something admirable for future generations (Joseph

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Good and Evil Essay My report examines the connection of the coexistence of good and evil across texts and how these aspects effect human nature and society. The texts I used were ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee, ‘The Help’ by Tate Taylor, ‘Noughts Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† by Danya Levy. I believe these texts explore the moral nature of society and human beings as essentially being good and evil through social drifts of racial prejudice, discrimination and illustrates the effect of these on human nature and society through the characters responses to these societal niches. The primary form of evil across the texts is the social drifts that exist in the texts such as racial prejudice and discrimination. These are prevalent dilemmas in all texts. If we take for instances in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† prejudice is often committed against the Negroes of the community of Maycomb by the whites. The community often regards Negroes as liars and criminals simply because they are black. â€Å"You gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption- the evil assumption that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Without actually considering the black peoples perspective the community immediately gain the preconception that this is how the blacks are. This is the whole nature and attitude of most of the people in Maycomb( where TKMB is set) throughout the story. Likewise with ‘Noughts Crosses’ the Crosses believe that Noughts are inferior to them in every way and are nothing but trouble. Crosses put forward these prejudice ideas about Noughts in order to keep the two races from living alongside each other as both races despise each other and keeping themselves in power with no influence of Noughts running the country. The article ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† is slightly different in a way as it deals more with discrimination against Maori but nevertheless discrimination has the same effect of injustice towards a race or class as prejudice. In this article it is suggested by Hone that Maori are under the harsh dictatorship of John Key and have no control over their actions. â€Å"Maybe they should go back to John Key and tell him to stop treating his Maori MPs like he’s a plantation owner from Alabama in the 1950’s. † Hone throughout the article points out that John Key is not being lenient on his Maori MP’s on attending a debate about ‘Water Rights’ concerning the Maori, Hone expresses the fact that John Key should leave it up to the Maori MPs to decide what they want to do rather than follow orders by John Key like â€Å"little house niggers. † â€Å"The Help† tackles discrimination quite differently. Not only are the black maids in â€Å"The Help† treated unfavorably on the basis of their skin but â€Å"Miss Hilly† who is regarded as the main antagonist of the film is wrapped up in this idea that blacks carry a harmful disease that threatens the community of Jackson, Mississippi(Where The Help is set). The discrimination in â€Å"The Help† is the obvious white and black scene but the fact that the blacks are also treated unfavorably based on what diseases they carry and made to use separate bathrooms go beyond discrimination. This sort of conduct is how animals are treated because animals are made to stay outside just as blacks are made to use separate bathrooms. The one thing I noticed across these texts is that these social drifts left a certain race or class victimized by the turmoil these social drifts inflicted on them. Naturally from this consequence of victimization the audience of these texts is likely to gain a negative impression of prejudice and discrimination and make an informed decision that these conducts are â€Å"evil† which is exactly the way I regarded these social drifts. What prejudice and discrimination does is it makes somebody to believe that they are less human than everybody else whereas in actual fact we are all equal as anybody is as human as everybody around them and when prejudice or discrimination is committed it goes contrary to this therefore making them evil attributes and inhumane. In Alabama 1950’s racism did in fact pose an effect on human nature as people reacted in irrational ways towards blacks and rather than have a society that operated together it was segregated and balanced precariously on the razors edge of hostility and violence. The effect racism in general has on human nature and society further supports the evil that embodies prejudice and discrimination. The effect on human nature or the characters in these texts is apparent as characters across the texts are seen to react to them in irrational ways. The characters react to prejudice and discrimination in anger, hatred, violence and even suicidal ways. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Lynette is a Nought who is a victim to the prejudice and violence in her society. Unable to cope with the struggles she faces in everyday life she takes the easy way out my committing suicide and walking out into an oncoming bus. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Boo Radley is forced into confinement in his house because the prejudice in Maycomb marks him as a maniac and therefore outcasts him from society. The idea that these cases pose is that social drifts such as prejudice is a big threat to people and thus making them again evil attributes. Lynette and Boo Radley encountered these evils and consequently were victimized or affected by these evils (social drifts). In regards to society as a whole prejudice and discrimination effect society because if there is a sufficient amount of these attributes around individuals than society itself is influenced by prejudice or discrimination and if society operates this way than people tend to believe that’s how society is meant to operate. This is most clearly seen in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by characters like Bob Ewell who is a drunken, abusive father who despises the blacks without reconsidering his attitudes towards blacks simply because prejudice is the status quo in Maycomb and this is what Bob Ewell has no doubt been brought up to believe that blacks are vile creatures. The effect of racism swings both ways though as seen in â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate. † Hone is fueld with hostility towards John Key and forces Hone into a state of abuse and uncivil behavior. The point I am getting at is that racism effects the nature of humans as seen in Lynnete and Boo Radley or the countless examples across the texts. The effect is that it robs people of their innocence and effects society by disrupting the order because if you look at the definition of society. â€Å"The aggregate of people living together in an ordered community. † Bob Ewell by being racist towards blacks disrupts the peace between the races therefore disrupting the order and Maori are likely to be influenced by Hone who is a prominent Maori therefore he causes hostility between Maori and Pakeha due to his disagreements with the discrimination of the Maori MPs in turn this will disrupt the order and when there is no order there is no society which is the ultimate effect on society. I might have only used single people as examples but like I said there are countless examples across texts in terms of the effect racism has on human nature and society. When you think of ‘good’ across the texts people almost immediately regard the race or individuals being oppressed as the ‘good guys’ which brought me to the conclusion that the manifestation of ‘good’ comes from the oppressed. Across the texts the exploration of oppression is evident. In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† the black community is the oppressed as Maycomb frown on their very essence and they are subject to racial prejudice. A prime example is Tom Robinson. A black man falsely accused of the rape of a white woman. He is innocent as proven by Atticus but society accuse him on the basis of his skin colour making him oppressed for his racial standings in the community. Similarly in â€Å"Noughts and Crosses† the Noughts are viewed as the scum of the world and everything bad that happens people point the finger at the Noughts. Like Tom Robinson, Callum( who is one of the main characters) is hanged for the rape of Sephy(another main character) despite her supplying the fact that he did not rape her to Kamal Hadley who is her father and orders for Callum to be hanged. Kamal knew Callum was innocent but wanted to see him hanged and this act saw that Callum was oppressed because of his race. â€Å"The Help† though more or less deals with a specific sub group of the Negroes. The obvious oppression against the blacks stand in â€Å"The Help† but the oppression is more specific in the texts. Rather than the blacks as a whole being oppressed â€Å"The Help† is primarily dealing with the oppression against the black maids of Jackson, Mississippi. The black maids work clearly isn’t valued in Jackson. The Maids are only paid minimal amount for their strenuous jobs and are always on edge and full of fear in the homes they work in. If the maids were being paid well or being provided better working conditions than the ones they were working in, things would be different but since this is not the case oppression is the means of explaining the hardship that the maids suffer. Like The Help, â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† deals with oppression against a specific group rather than a race as a whole. In the article it explores how the Maori MP’s of National are subject to the dictatorship of John Key and are unable to make a decision without John Keys approval. On a personal opinion I see this as oppression as it restricts the Maori from acting on free will which is within their rights in accordance to New Zealand being a ‘free country. ’ John Key by not allowing the Maori MPs to make their own decisions is oppressing the Maori of their rights consequently leaving the Maori oppressed in terms of their rights. A connecting aspect between the oppressed across the texts is that they are generally innocent people. This connection is paramount to the reason why I perceive the oppressed as being ‘good’ because when you look at the word innocent, the word itself associates with being good. Futhermore I think this quote in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† expresses why innocence is a characteristic of a good person. â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up peoples gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird. † Mockingbirds are innocent birds that do no harm but just sing. In the instances of the texts the oppressed are the Mockingbirds as they do nothing but go about their work. If I use the maids in â€Å"The Help† as an example they do nothing but go about their work as a maid and are treated like dirt. The oppressed are innocent making them good. Having oppressed races or individuals in the texts effects human nature and society. The effect is that it causes people to act for the common good and yearn for a society that does not discriminate based on race or class. Across the texts we can see that characters that recognize the injustices that occur towards the oppressed approach these situations with empathy and understanding and a need to incorporate change. The obvious examples of this would be people like Atticus in â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird† and Skeeter in â€Å"The Help† but this also occurs in minor characters along the plot of these stories that serve as a reminder that there are people who care about the oppressed and see them at eye level. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Miss Paxton who is a Cross teacher notices that the Noughts that attend Heathcroft which is a prestigious school are incessantly picked on and bullied by the Crosses. She makes it her cause to implement change and make life easier for Noughts at Heathcroft by consulting with the principle and working out a strategic plan to substantially improve the relationships of Noughts and Crosses. Unfortunately the principle is of the majority who are racist so this plan does not work out as well as Miss Paxton envisioned. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Scout Finch applies Atticus’s principal of considering others perspective before judging them and approaching others with empathy and understanding. Although she understands that being a child it is beyond her ability to create a significant change in society but she understands that the simple conduct of considering others perspective will go a long way in terms of change because this simple conduct leaves oppressed less victimized and leaves them with their dignity. If human nature is affected for the common good then the people who are affected and are acting for the common good hold a marginal influence on society. This affects society because having people act for the common good would influence people to believe that the injustices that the oppressed are facing are immoral. This would ensure that society works on counteracting these injustices in order to create a more stable society that holds the peace of the people living in it so that they may live together in harmony. Much like Hone Harawira although he has a great capacity for violence he also has a greater capacity and yearning for the common good. He brings to light the hardship the Maori MPs are facing under John Keys dictatorship and exposes them in an unthinkable way but nevertheless in the hopes that people become aware of the injustices taking place against the Maori in order to influence people to make a stand against these injustices for a better social structure in society. This in fact is exactly the way Martin Luther King made an impact on the development of Negroes social standings in society. Through his many speeches and public appearances one would notice that he ‘dreamed’ of a world where people were not discriminated by race or class and he always acted for the best intentions or for the common good and many in ‘society’ were influenced by his actions in terms of acting for the common good. Through Martin Luther King he was the first stepping stone to society in America excepting Negroes into society itself. From this analogy we can see that living in a world with oppression, this influences people to act for the common good and society becomes influenced by these people so therefore society begins to operate more efficiently and in unity. This is a positive effect and further supports the capacity for good oppression poses for people. â€Å"We all have good and evil inside of us. It’s what side we choose to follow that defines who we really are. †(J. K.Rowling) This quote about good and evil suggests that rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil human nature has a capacity for good and evil( which means we have both good and bad qualities) but its which part we choose to act on that marks who we are. From studying the texts I have come to an agreement that this is true. The characters that abide by prejudice and discrimination (The oppressors) have good and bad qualities but since they pursue these social drifts that are interpreted as evil rather than their good qualities the audience of the texts concludes that they are evil characters; Kamal is seen as the antagonist of ‘Noughts Crosses’ because he uses his social status to punish and discriminate the Noughts. In the perspective of the audience Kamal is the antagonist because discrimination is associated with ‘evil’ and he resorts to discrimination therefore he is seen as an evil character. Likewise with the oppressed. The oppressed remain oppressed in order to keep the peace rather than acting out in violence and hostility towards the oppressors; In ‘The Help’ Aibileen, a black maid, does not antagonize the white society and goes about her work without any hassle despite suffering from incessant discrimination from the white society. She is just an innocent person who goes through life coping with racism. Aibileen is perceived as ‘good’ because innocence is associated with ‘good’ and she is innocent so therefore the audience interpret her as a ‘good’ character. In terms of both having good and evil characteristics Hone Harawira is an excellent example. Hone stresses the fact that Maori are being exploited of their rights but he uses violent approaches such as name calling and abuse to emphasize his point. He has good intentions of promoting equality amongst Maori and Pakeha which is his ‘good’ quality but social drifts cause him to act out in irrational and hostile ways which are his ‘evil’ qualities. He has the capacity for good and evil as they both affect his human nature. There is an old story that illustrates the fact that human nature has the manifestation of both evil and good but we are marked as being either good or evil by which qualities we follow. â€Å"A native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, the one I feed the most. † The affect of good and evil on human nature and society is simple. Good associates with peace, love, innocence etc. which are likely to leave a positive affect on human nature simply by the nature of these attributes. Having a positive affect on human nature means a positive affect on society as humanity holds influence on how society operates. Whereas with evil. Evil leads to war, violence hate which definitely leave negative affects on human nature because the pain these attributes cause. Having a negative affect on human nature means a negative affect on society as humanity under the influence of evil cause society to work backwards and away from unity and order. Going back to Alabama 1950’s the racist society were affected by the evils of social drifts like prejudice and discrimination so society was forced into a state of hostility and deplore. Afro-Americans like Martin Luther King were effected by the goods of oppression leading to his fight for equality, due to Martin Luther King society became more aware of the injustices that were taking place so society substantially changed to a society that did not discriminate based on race but upheld the peace and equality.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Great Gatsby Research Paper

Great Gatsby Research Paper The Great Gatsby is a prime example of traditional American Literature. Explaining the life in one of the most roaring cities of the 1920s, New York, the novel is a great interpretation of American life in that time. Taking place during the story, there is an economic boom, coupled with the new American lifestyles being formed. Scott Fitzgerald, the author, shares many traits that can be found in both Gatsby and Carraway. Jay Gatsby is a very important and impressive character in the plot of the story, serving his role as the protagonist. Nick Carraway plays the role of the neutral party as he was influenced by his father to just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had. Daisy Buchanan, the wife of Tom and long lost lover of Gatsby, is the main source of foil in the novel. If The Great Gatsby is really a great American novel, then perhaps we will find evidence of the personalities and ideals that suit the era. In the 1920s things were evolving and there were many radical views. There was a sense of optimism and aspiration. People believed that they could be whoever they wanted to be, no matter how difficult it may be. For instance, Gatsby, he got to where he wanted by means of bootlegging. This is a prime example of the attitude the population had in the time. During the 1920s an economic boom was in progress. All over the country, people were having their American Dreams come true with little effort. The name Wolfshiem is a familiar name of the time, as he was involved in fixing the World Series of 1919. This sets the ideals that money can buy anything one desires. All of this fun and happiness soon comes to an end for the American People, with the stock market crash in 1929. Everyone lost the feelings of hedonism and materialism, and shifted into survival mode. F. Scott Fitzgerald is a character all to himself. He experienced the 1920s first hand, born September 24, 1896 as an only child. Like the character Gatsby in the novel, he went to school, dropped out, and went into the army. For grade school he attended St Paul Academy and Newman School. When it came time for college, he resided in Princeton, a very prestigious school of the time. Fitzgerald lived a life similar to that of his characters. He and his wife, Zelda, had the fun, rich parties with the illegal and expensive liquors coupled with lavishing entertainment. The party was over when Zelda was hospitalized for schizophrenia in Switzerland. From this moment on, Fitzgerald spiraled downward into personal depression. At the same time, the Great Depression of 1929 happened to be taking effect. With the aid of his long addiction of alcohol, he suddenly died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940. Jay Gatsby, also known as James Gatz, is the central title character of the novel. He is a young man from a rural city in North Dakota. Raised in poverty, he aspired to advance and become wealthy. Eventually, this goal of wealth was reached, but was ill-attained through illegal means such as bootlegging and trading in stolen securities. Everything Gatsby does is in one way, shape, or form, for daisy. After meeting her, he quickly fell into a deep love for her. This is when Daisy meets and marries Tom Buchanan. After this, Gatsby devotes his life to winning back Daisys love. Stopping at nothing, he buys his mansion on West Egg to be close to her, and throws parties every weekend, in an attempt to lure her back into his arms. Gatsby genuinely believed that he could relive the past. This was not so, and is realized with his murder. The narrator of the novel, Nick Carraway, is a temperamental man that plays a very major role in the novel while. He was born in a little Minnesota town in 1892, into a well maintained family. Education was very important in his family; he attended middle school and high school in the mid-west. After grade school, his parents sent him to Yale University. Just as all the other young men of the time, he was pulled into the war in 1917. Coming back from the war, he moved to New Yorks West Egg and rented a small house that was neighboring Gatsby. Nick is the cousin of Daisy, which enables him to be of assistance to Gatsby and play the middle man in the situation. His view of everyone is unbiased as he does not pass judgment. He is a very nice person, and just wants to help his friends to see the world they are living in. Known as the careless lover Daisy plays the center of corruption in the novel. She is from Louisville, Kentucky, and a second cousin of Nick Carraway. All she wants is love, as she cannot live without it, which is the main factor that caused her to marry Tom while Gatsby was in the war and attending oxford. Furthermore, Daisy is a lackadaisical character, as most of the women in the time. Having no regard to true feelings, she is very materialistic, as Tom bought her love with a $300,000 necklace. She has a daughter, named Pam. Treated as an afterthought; one can really see how shallow and un-affectionate Daisy can be. As said in Sparknotes, daisy represents the amoral values of the aristocratic East Egg set. There are many different ways to view The Great Gatsby, and views vary from crowd to crowd. For instance, men may critique the book as a good read and a good story, but some women may not like the roles that the women play in the novel. The book is a harsh reality for both sides. Most critics concur that The Great Gatsby is Fitzgeralds Crown Jewel. I believe that the book is a good read and a good example of life in the 1920s. The most relevant theme is the ideal of the American Dream. Fitzgerald does a good job at keeping the western and eastern influences in the character traits. There is definitely an underlying theme at work in this novel that gets it so much attention. I believe the underlying theme is the idea that America has been tainted by material possessions and riches. In conclusion, The Great Gatsby is a great book and there are many reasons for it. If The Great Gatsby is the Great American novel it is said to be, then the evidence is evident. Such as the character Daisy Buchanan, she is the walking representation of a careless lover and with her lackadaisical mood. A good example of her materialism is when she says, It makes me sad because Ive never seen such such beautiful shirts before. Nick Carraway, is the good man of the novel, he is trying to help people see the reality of things with his temperamental attitude. Jay Gatsby is a very mysterious man, who we dont learn much about till the end of the novel. He, being the titled character, is a man who will stop at nothing to get his desires. Scott Fitzgerald is much like the characters of Nick and Gatsby. Each character represents a side of Fitzgerald, one good and one partially corrupted. Taking place in the 1920s the novel does a good job of showing us what things were like in the Jazz Age. The movie is nothing like the book, as there are a lot more underlying plots and themes that are not expressed in movie. Therefore, I believe that The Great Gatsby is the greatest American Novell yet to be released.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Essay on Nathaniel Hawthornes Scarlet Letter - The Character of Pearl :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Character of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter          Pearl was known as the devils child when she was young. She would have temper tantrums and do things her mother did not like. Pearl didn't know the true meaning of he letter on her mother's bosom. When the book ended, it did not say what happened to Pearl and how she lived her life from there. I believe that after Dimmesdale died and as Pearl got older, Hester told her what the true meaning of the scarlet letter was. I think Pearl always remembered that she was the result of that letter on her mother's bosom. To that, she would live her life truly and honestly.    I assume that Pearl grew up to be a beautiful woman. I believe she married a wonderful husband, was rue to him, and both made a good living. I think they lived in a nice home and were known by many other people. They both loved their life and lived it the best they could.    Pearl and her husband eventually had children. She would have taught them to do what is right and many other good things. She would have told her children about the scarlet letter that her mother once had to wear. How she wore it because of what she did wrong, and how she lived her own life because of it. Pearl would have brought her children up the right way and how she thought was good.    They would have lived a good lifestyle and done many things together as a family. Pearl and her husband stuck together and were truthful to each other. I think Pearl lived up to her ability and was a hard worker. She lived by God's rules and did what was right. Because of knowing what her mother did, I believe that she lived an honest life. She told the truth and was true to herself and others around her. She knew right from wrong. I can see that Pearl would have helped people out and would have done many good and godly things for others.    In conclusion, I think all the doings and actions of Pearl were honest and true because of how her own mother brought her up and how her mother lived her own life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical Reflection Essay Essay

Upon reflective exploration of my 16 week journey regarding the overall critical reflection of Nursing 5403 also referred to as Organizational Theory or Administration I, I find that I have a more sound and in depth theoretical understanding of key leadership and nursing administrative concepts and processes. This course has increased my knowledge base in regards to organizational design, augmented my awareness of healthcare administrative concepts, and strengthened my understanding of management concepts and processes. This educational experience has revealed imperative and insightful examples and practices used to become a more efficient, effective and formative leader. I have increased my usage of many of these concepts to improve my leadership skills and practice, to â€Å"walk the walk†, in my daily work /life regimen. I will examine, evaluate, and reflect on the core information covered in this course by dividing the methods of delivery into three main presentation categ ories: written, oral, and online. The written presentation format was used to deliver the five discussion board questions and leadership instrument paper results. The discussion board allowed the opportunity to explore management concepts and practices from various perspectives. The leadership instrument paper allowed in depth exploration of variety of traits, theories, and practices important to leaders. I found both of these learning experiences very enlightening and beneficial to my overall managerial acumen. Northhouse (2013), explained on the sixteen types and styles of leadership, which had a major impact on my overall viewpoints regarding humans and management in our administrative worlds today. I was able to identify and relate the diverse leadership styles and types in a positive way and glean insightful understanding of different people and their leadership potential. The discussion board gave me free range to strengthen my self-expressive abilities and interact with my peers. The leadership instrument pape r allowed for self-analysis with specific references to key leadership ideals and concepts. I feel both assignments gave me insight into my leadership strengths, weaknesses, foci, and desires which will in turn assist me in  becoming a successful consistent leader. Oral presentations were used by both the students and the professor to teach assigned lessons. The dyad presentations were completed within the professor assigned groups. The organizational culture assignment was individually completed by each student. Dr. Junious, our professor, presented multiple management and leadership topics during the 16-week timeframe of our course work. The dyad group assignments allowed the students to work as a team, increase/ improve communication skills, and strengthen public speaking skills. The organizational culture assignment enriched my understanding of my department’s culture and fostered a new understanding and more tolerable acceptance of the different personalities which shapes my department and company. The professor guided topics allowed me to glean current knowledge on trends in nursing leadership and introduced new variables regarding emotional intelligence. One of the crucial components from our main source, Roussell (2013) which I have used on a consistent basis are the power listing tools known as, â€Å"AMPP†, which stands for: ask, mirror, paraphrase, and prime. Consistent usage of these tools has empowered my ability to extract important information in a judicious manner, which has resulted in workflow improvement and increased productivity in my current position. The online method was used to complete our online certificate training for the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) leadership and quality courses. Both of these certificate online courses were very informative and educational. I gained excellent training from these online courses. The information presented in this online self-study gave illuminating examples, and reinforced positive and evidence based methods of leadership and analytical procedures. My goal is to complete at least eight of the other courses listed on this website to strengthen my inner self to produce stronger leadership abilities and increase process awareness. Overall, the knowledge, skills, and experience gleaned from my enrollment and participation in this class has enhanced my understanding of organizational processes and essential, effective leadership traits. I truly enjoyed my time in this course, it was interesting and informative.  The educational experience has stimulated and supported both professional and personal growth in my life. The traits and theoretical evidence based practices illustrated within our resources reinforced my thoughts that great leaders are formed and not born. References Northhouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Summer With Dad

A Summer With Dad Free Online Research Papers I do not remember much about my childhood. I have the worst long term memory in the whole world, but there is one summer where I remember everything vividly; the summer of 2002. I moved to California to stay with my father that summer. My dad, George, at the time worked at Kemper Sound, Stage, and Lighting Company. We traveled all over northern California that summer. It was the best summer I have had. I bet you’re wondering why we traveled so much? Well, Kemper Sound, Stage, and Lighting Company travels around to different fairs and concert halls, and as stated in the name, does the sound, stage, and lighting for the shows. The stage was not set up at every venue, but at some shows it was the most important service we provided. The stage came in sections measuring six feet by twelve feet. By placing different sections together, we could make different stages of various sizes. Black and textured with raised dots, the stage pieces were very heavy and connected to each other with thick steel clamps. Some concerts required at least 25 pieces if not more. The lighting was both spot lights and stage lighting. We provided the lights, the lighting board, and a technician to operate the system. The sound system included speakers, soundboard, monitors, microphones, and a technician to set it and run the system. The systems were all black in color and we had many different types of sy stems, from ones big enough for a major outdoor concert to a PA on a stick, a simple two speakers on sticks, microphone and a tiny mixing board. In addition to all the above we came early to set up, worked the show, and tore it down at the end. One of the major events we worked was the Sacramento World Music Festival. For this event we set up the main stage and did the sound for the secondary stage. The main stage took all day to set up. I remember it was hot that day, and the stage pieces are about 125 to 150 pounds each. The stage we put up was made of 125 stage pieces and the stage sat six feet off the ground, easy enough for a grown man to walk under. By midday, we were all sweaty and tired. At the end of the day, after working for about 12 hours, we looked haggard, worn, and covered in dirt. It reminded me of the pictures you see of coal miners after their long day at work. The festival itself was amazing. There were 30 to 40 booths set up by people who traveled with the music festival. Each booth was different and carried everything from clothes, to food, to knives. Two older women ran my favorite boot. They were most likely in their 50’s, and reminded me of gypsies. The women were funny and sarcastic and had a joke for everyone. They had a beautiful, royal purple velvet cloak that I wanted very much, but it was $230. The festival was full the sounds of people, music and children. It smelled of delicious foods and incense. The food ranged from American burgers and fries to fancy Italian, as well as some foods from Africa. We were at the music festival for three days, from load in to load out. Load in and load out are terms we say for setting up the show and tearing it down. Of all the shows we worked that summer, the Tracy Byrd concert was my favorite. I was very excited from the time I heard we were going to do the concert to the time we had finally finished. At the time, I was a big country music fan, and if you know anything about country music, you know who Tracy Byrd is. When we first got to the fair grounds, it was 9 o’clock pm. It was dark already but you could see the people setting up the rides and different booths. I could see the difference one ride made to the scenery. As a ride went up it also lit the sky. We had to set up the lights, which is Dad’s job and mine. We also ran all the lighting equipment, and the sound system, setting up and running, the sound system was both Ryan’s and Ryan’s jobs. The next day when the concert was scheduled, I was anxious, because even though Joan Kemper would not let me run the follow spot I was able to run the lighting board. Just before the show started, my dad helped me progra m the lighting board, so I knew the lighting combinations. The show went perfectly. Running the lighting board is tapping different buttons that cause a different set of lights to come on at once, to the beat of the music. Making sure, of course, the lighting matches the song that’s being played. So after many songs and a fury of lights, in all colors of the spectrum, the show ended. I was free to do as I pleased, so I ran to talk to the people on the tour. The bass player was at the souvenir stand. He was doing the accounting process (writing the sales, the purchases, and such on a report). I helped him do the calculations and in return he gave me a t-shirt. He even signed it for me. After that I helped him carry the rest of the products to the tour bus. Once we had put the merchandise away, he said â€Å"stay here, I have a surprise for you.† When he came back, he had Tracy Byrd in tow. I nearly fainted. Tracy Byrd was in his pajamas, well, pajama pants and a t-shir t with slippers. He signed my shirt and told me to keep being a music lover. When Tracey Byrd left, the bass player gave me some other souvenirs and then left as well. Unfortunately through my many moves I misplaced the shirt but I still retain the fond memory. Though most of the summer consisted of traveling and concerts, they were not the only things that we did. As a group, the people who worked for Kemper Sound, Stage and Lighting Company, Dad, Ryan, Ryan, Harmony, and I, took frequent trips to the hot springs in northern California, about 30 minutes from the border of Oregon. We all piled into a suburban and headed north. People generally had to pay to get in the springs but we went late at night and took a back entrance. A thick chain roped off the road that led to the springs. Because of that chain, we had to park about a quarter of a mile from the springs and walk the rest of the way. Since we did most things late at night, it was dark outside when we arrived. All I could see was a little bit of the road that was lit up by the two flashlights in a sort of triangular pattern. It was a gravel road with trees on both sides. The road curved and wound its way to the hot springs, so much so, that at parts of the road I felt like the trees surrounded me. About half way to the springs, a slight scent of sulfur invaded my nose. If you have ever lit a match you know, it smells a lot like rotten eggs. The scent got stronger and stronger, until the smell almost overpowered my senses, and I could smell or taste little else. The hot springs are set on the side of a cliff, with a forested canyon below. I could see the outline of the trees and when my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, I was able to see the tree more clearly. There are three different pools made out of natural rocks. The lowest one is the biggest, meaning it has more seating. We usually sat there. To get to the lower spring, you go down a set of big, stone steps, which travels down the center of the three springs. Two on one side one on the other and the larger spring is on the left as you go down. After being there about five minutes I got used to the smell of sulfur, relaxed, and had fun with my friends, with an occasional strong scent of sulfur. We went the re three or four times that summer. It was a place to relax after a couple of days on the road. One summer evening we all decided, for no particular reason that we wanted to take a drive to the coast. It was somewhere in the neighborhood of midnight and midnight-thirty when everything was prepared and we were all packed like sardines into the suburban, the people who came to the hot springs and few others I do not remember, plus one canine were among the people who came. We were at the coast in about three and a half hours. Though cramped in one vehicle, we still laughed and sang the whole way there. We finally arrived at the beach at four in the morning. I could smell salt from the ocean and the air was cool but not cold. The air made every part of me tingle, and I knew I was near somewhere clean and fresh. As soon as we drove onto the beach, the suburban got stuck in the sand. Since it was late, we decided to dig it out in the morning. Then every one raced for the ocean, stripping clothes as they went. Every one but Dad and I ran into the ocean naked. It was the funniest thin g I had ever seen, mostly because the water was so cold they ran back out again. They got dressed and Dad built a fire. We unloaded all the camping gear and set up a few tents and sleeping bags. We stayed up for a while around the fire just talking about the concerts we had done and the ones we had coming up soon. Finally, sleep came over me and took me to a place I could not hide from it. The next morning it was still a little chilly but the guys had already managed to dig out the SUV. We did not stay long at the beach; none of us liked crowds very much. We did not have anything to rush back to, so we hopped back in the SUV and headed north up the California coastline. It was stunning, the ocean almost a clear blue, the sun just barely risen so that the clouds were bright oranges and purples. We stopped at a cafà © and had some breakfast, then headed home. That was the last time I saw the ocean. The summer of 2002 was incredible fun, especially for a 17-year-old girl. I was able to go to many concerts, festivals, stay up late and travel all over northern California.. The best part was I spent the whole summer with my dad, and I learned a lot about theatre, music, lighting, and sound, that most people don’t know. For most teenagers that would be a dream, for me it was a reality. Research Papers on A Summer With DadThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Hockey GameHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is ArtBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andWhere Wild and West MeetMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito